Every year Lauren’s school, Bala House Montessori, has an event called the International Dinner. It’s a pot luck where families are asked to bring a dish that represents their cultural heritage and then the kids give a singing performance where they sing about world peace and loving each other. It’s very cute.
The kindergartners are the “hosts” and sit at the table to check people in and ask for donations. Afterward the kids use the donated money to purchase animals for villages in need through Heifer International.
Lauren on stage with the other kindergarteners singing their songs. She decided to dress in her unicorn outfit, because as we all know, the Sharp’s are actually descendants of the unicorn.
Unrelated to the International Dinner, but still worth adding so that we can look back at this post some day and remember, Lauren has moved onto a new favorite ensemble, seen here. Over the last year she has decided that she has one outfit or one piece of clothing that she loves, and wants to wear nothing else. She wears it until it’s full of holes and need to official retire into the trashcan. Right now this is the outfit, complete with the boots. It’s magical and amazing, just like Lauren.