
The weather here has been amazing! Last weekend, which was Mother’s Day weekend, we decided to do a little picnic in the Azalea Garden, which is a few blocks from our house. Sophie loved running around with her shoes off and Benson loved running around unleashed.

 Soph enjoyed swatting at the azalea bushes. You can see how hard she’s working by the tongue hanging out of her mouth.

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This weekend we went to the Appel Farm Festival in New Jersey. It was a great night with a bunch of bluegrass bands. I got some good shots of Sophie while we were there. She enjoyed listening to the music – and a little dancing too (with the help of mom and dad).

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The weather was amazing this past weekend so we decided to spend a few hours in the azalea garden a few blocks from our house.

Also, this weekend Sophie finally met her Gra-nana (great nana), who has been in Vencie since she was born. Pictures are on nana’s camera, but when I get them they’ll be uploaded. She’s a lucky little girl – she has three great grandmas and one great grandpa to visit.

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This weekend we celebrated Sophie’s two month birthday and Dave running a personal best in the Broad Street Run! We also went to the Rittenhouse Row Spring Festival where we ate our way up Walnut Street and then lazed in the park.

Sophie also had her two month check-up today where we found out she’s 12lbs 12ozs and 22 7/8 inches long. She’s 75% in height, weight and head circumference. She also got her first round of shots, which she did NOT enjoy. Poor little girl.

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