Election 2016

On November 8th, I headed to the poles with the girls to proudly vote for who we all assumed would be the first woman president, Hillary Clinton. As the day progressed into the evening it became clear that a lot of the country did not feel the same way. I was up early on the morning of the 9th and felt a loss and devastation that I haven’t experienced before. I didn’t know what to tell the girls after months of talking about the importance of this election, specifically the importance for women and girls. Not only had Hillary not been elected, but instead a sexist, xenophobic, intolerant scumbag had been elected. I literally did not have the words to explain it to them. It’s now a month after the election and I’m past the mourning, but far from acceptance. In our home we continue to emphasize powerful female leaders and acceptance of all, but what they’re exposed to outside our house can be a different story. The girls are going to change and grow up a lot over the next four years and it is our goal to talk about and expose them to people and organizations who are working for equality acceptance so that this may never happen again.

Me and the girls after casting our vote for Hillary Clinton

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