Remembering Grandma Coughlin

On Friday, October 4th my grandma died. Her health had been in decline for a several months, and one morning she just stopped living, sitting at the breakfast table. We went down to Virginia for the weekend to spend time with family and have a service. Although an emotional weekend, we got to see family that we hadn’t seen for a long time. My cousin Lisa and her family came in from Illinois, and my cousins Brittany and Brandon came down from NY.

The first cousins: Lisa, Becky, Brandon, me, Brittany

The Coughlin Crew: Stephen, Lisa, Becky, Brandon, me, Lauren Dad, Brittany, Jessica, Sophie

I’m thankful Grandma got to meet Lauren before her memory was really lost. Here she is with them at the beginning of the summer. 

Grandma and me, June 2013

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